"You Slowed Down And Started Living" ~Grandpa

Harvest It

If You Build It, You'll Harvest It!

The best part of Miniature Farming is the harvest.  You work and work and work some more, and when you get that first egg from that chicken you hatched from an egg months ago, it all pays off.  Let me take it a step further.  Instead of one egg, you gather five eggs and you make the most amazing fried eggs for breakfast your kids have ever eaten.  You know what you fed your chickens and so you know what's in the eggs and that's when you know why you Miniature Farm.  

Now imagine that your Miniature Farm produces all kinds of products.  You get eggs everyday from your feathered friends, milk from your cow and goats, wool from your sheep, and you've grown the most amazing fruits and vegetables in your garden.  How cool is it to grow and raise your own food?  You might also have a Turkey that will be ready to eat for Thanksgiving as well as a pig for the Christmas ham, and a beef cow for all of those summer barbeque hamburgers.  Are you getting the idea?

You get to raise the animal and butcher the animal and so you know how it was raised and how it was processed before you sink your teeth into your Chicken Cordon Bleu.  I'm excited, are you excited?  If your not excited yet, you will be if you stick with it long enough.  I've been farming all my life, and know that if people will just give Miniature Farming a chance, they will farm till the day they die.  

Enjoying The Four Seasons

Miniature Farming is not for the faint of heart.  You have to have determination, resolve and persistence. I will be the first to tell you that it is a lot of work, but well worth the pay out.  You will have days when you hate it and days when you love it.  There will be life and death.  Their will be misery and joy.  There will be highs and lows.  Their will be rain, snow, wind, dust, flies, stink, noise, neighbors, pests, predators, repairs, cost, cold and hot.  For every positive there is a negative.  Some of my favorite memories farming are the moments when all of the odds were stacked against me.  I've had cows drown, dogs and cats get hit by cars, chicken eaten by coyotes, cows bloat, babies born dead, eggs not hatch out, horses get hurt beyond mending, and mad bulls chase me through fences, but each experience taught me lessons.

Look for the good in every situation and it will find you.  Let the natural things of this world teach you and your family about the circle of life and the earths greater purpose.  We are all here to learn and no one learns faster about the power of nature than the farmer.  If the crops aren't sewn in season, they won't  come to fruition in time.  There is a wealth of knowledge just waiting for you to study.  Each farm animal has different requirements and it's up to you to find out what they are and then fulfill those requirements so that the animal can live a long, healthy, productive life.  Your choices will basically keep the farm alive or kill it.  

Farming is a legacy and one you can pass on to your children if you have any.  Share your farm with your neighbors and join community clubs and organizations that will make you a better farmer and give you opportunities to share your knowledge with others.  Find the local hang outs where other Miniature Farmers get together and shoot the bull.  Learn how to talk shop and don't be surprised if some old timer take you under their wing and teaches you about the way a real farmer farms.
